Club Newport Vacation Membership assists travelers with organizing trips and making travel arrangements through an easy-to-use website and free of charge concierge service. Members can enjoy the convenience of online booking by viewing thousands of quality resorts, hotels, cruise excursions, airlines, and car rentals available from around the world.
The Club’s experienced team also has a wealth of tips for ensuring a smooth getaway.
Organization, especially when it comes to bringing necessities such as identification, foreign currency, and prescription medication, is an essential part of a stress-free trip. However, simply remembering to bring your medication can be the least of your worries in today’s more regulated travel industry.
Here are three tips for making sure your medication doesn’t cause a headache during your travels:
1. Make certain your medication is legal at your destination. Some countries, like Japan for example, don’t allow certain types of medication, even with a doctor’s note. Check with the appropriate agencies before you leave to prevent delays or issues when you arrive.
2. Label your medication clearly. The Transportation Security Administration rules are fairly flexible when it comes to prescription drugs, but TSA agents still have a right to pull your bag for further inspection. If your medication is clearly and correctly labeled, there will be less of a chance of a delay at the gate.
3. Bring more than you need. Trips can get extended for any number of reasons, including canceled flights and weather events. Attempting to refill medication in a foreign country, particularly if it’s one you take daily, can be a challenging ordeal.