Club Newport Vacation Club helps travelers with a membership save on trip expenses such as accommodations, car rentals, activities and more. With a Club Newport Vacation membership, it is possible to enjoy luxury travel to some of the most desirable destinations around the globe. Some of
the greatest spots to visit in the world are on islands.
Here are some of the most popular islands for luxury travelers.
1. Fiji. A tropical escape popular with Australians, Fiji offers clear turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and coral reefs full of life. The Fijian locals welcome visitors, and there are plenty of activities such as fishing, diving, surfing, and snorkeling to enjoy. There are more than 300 islands in the Fiji archipelago to visit, with accommodations ranging from family-friendly resorts to celebrity hideaways.
2. St. Lucia. An exotic island in the Caribbean, St. Lucia’s assets include beautiful beaches and varying topography consisting of volcanic peaks and cinematic landscapes. Some of the popular sites to explore on this French-influenced island include waterfalls, fishing villages, hot springs, nature trails, coconut palm forests, and coral reefs.
3. Cook Islands. Located in the South Pacific, the Cook Islands are situated between French Polynesia and Samoa. The archipelago's 15 islands are renowned for their palm-fringed beaches, enticing lagoons, and volcanic peaks. Locals are friendly, and to suit everyone's tastes, accommodations range from resorts to over-the-water bungalows to rustic beach shacks.