Club Newport makes luxury travel affordable and convenient with their vacation membership program. Providing a variety of advantages, membership offers travelers a diverse range of cost-saving accommodations and other travel-related bookings.
Traveling abroad is a great experience, yet sometimes, dietary changes can cause travelers to fall ill while away from home.
The Club’s experienced concierge professionals offer these tips on how to eat safely while traveling.
1. Be wary of foods that have sat at room temperature. Foods that are neither hot nor cold, but which are at a temperature somewhere between, are more likely to harbor harmful bacteria. Avoid buffets where food is left sitting for long periods of time and runs a higher risk of having been mishandled.
2. Avoid uncooked foods. During foreign travels, it is safer not to eat foods such as uncooked meat or fish, shellfish, raw eggs, unpasteurized dairy, and unwashed fruits and vegetables.
3. Don’t eat food from unknown street vendors. Choosing not to eat from roadside food stands can help decrease your risk of contracting a food-borne illness.
4. Skip exotic dishes. While it might be enticing to eat new or strange foods abroad, it is safer to pass on unusual dishes such as bat, wild game, prepared monkey, or bushmeat.